How do everyday movements influence our overall wellbeing?
Do you find sitting at a desk for prolonged periods uncomfortable? Would you like to learn how to create more ease in your everyday life and less effort?
Being in one position for long periods can create hidden tensions and stress which may manifest in tiredness, sore eyes, irritability and other aches and pains.
This workshop builds awareness of your movement and posture, especially in sitting, and begin to help to mitigate any negative effects.
During the workshop you will learn how to:
Improve awareness of seated and standing posture; Interact effectively with your workstation;
Move with more freedom and less effort;
Modify responses to stress.
There will be practical take-aways, follow-up material and access to a guided audio file for future reference plus an opportunity to experience some guided ‘constructive rest’ to continue to build your awareness in your own time.
The ideas throughout are designed to foster curiosity and encourage active participation.
At the end of the workshop there will be 10 mins Q & A